Gymnothorax pseudotile Mohapatra, Smith, Ray, Mishra & Mohanty, 2017
Bengal low-fin moray

Family:  Muraenidae (Moray eels), subfamily: Muraeninae
Max. size:  47 cm TL (female)
Environment:  reef-associated; marine
Distribution:  Eastern Indian Ocean: India, West Bengal.
Diagnosis:  Vertebrae: 126-129. This species is distinguished by the following characters: robust body; anus at about mid-body; long head; blunt snout with large eye located slightly closer to rictus than to tip of snout; lower jaw is slightly shorter than upper jaw; gill opening broadly rounded, positioned below lateral midline; dorsal-fin origin is above posterior half of gill opening; both dorsal and anal fin are low, with pale margin; intermaxillary teeth in 3 longitudinal rows, with median row of 3 depressible fang like teeth and a single row of 6 teeth on each side; colour dark brown dorsally with small white dots scattered all over and ventral part pale whitish with small brown spots without reticulations; infraorbital pores 3; predorsal vertebrae 12-13, preanal vertebrae 56-59, total vertebrae 126-129 (Ref. 115849).
IUCN Red List Status: Not Evaluated (N.E.) Ref. (130435)
Threat to humans:  harmless
Country info:   

Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.